Part 31: Update XXIX - On the verge of a dream
Update XXIX - On the verge of a dreamMusic: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

Alright, time to tidy up some loose ends while we wait for the end of the week.

Like finding that damn missing spot on my map.

I don't get anything for it, mind you, I just don't like not having a full set of yellow numbers.

Turns out, it was just past where we caught Alice on the first day we were here!
Music: Battle - First Chimeric Lunar Sea

On top of that, being one point off from a new skill annoys the hell out of me.

So I go and grind out an extra level to get that taken care of.

A relaxing end to the week, after the clusterfuck it started with.

Music: School III

Much better.

Music: School IV

The question now is, how many of these people are going to die tomorrow?

I really like the setup of the NPCs in this game. When you start out, the place is packed. But as we keep going, the place gets emptier and emptier as more people die trying to reach the Grail.

By Week 7, the only people left in the building will be Hakuno, our final opponent (who will almost certainly be Leo), the Servants, and the handful of NPCs that oversee everything. Everyone else will be long dead.

I stop off to get that new skill, but we'll have to wait a full five levels before we get the next. Considering Caster is already two levels above the recommended, we might end up going all of Week 4 without a new skill.

In a change of pace from her other skills, Mantra: Aphotic Cave gives Caster a much appreciated defensive option to help patch over her own paper thin durability.



Music: Down to Dawn

The incense burner adds a bit more color to our private room.

We also hit the requirements for another hidden chat!

The requirement for this one involves obtaining a total of 100K PPT over the course of the game.

Music: School IV


He isn't kidding, we can actually buy Mabo Tofu today!
Strangely, you can only buy it today, it'll vanish once the day ends.

So I get a small stockpile going.

I also buy the Silver Earrings while I'm at it. I'm not going to use them, but I like having one of everything., what the odds of the foodie making it to next week, now that he happily tripped a death flag?

Alice is by the Arena entrance.
Music: Stops

Sound: Heartbeats

Music: Fear

Okay, to clear things up a bit, Alice isn't Alice in Wonderland, she's Alice's own perception of her fairy tale stories. Alice, being a slowly dying war orphan, naturally self-inserted into the fairy tales she read as a form of escapism, so Alice appears as an identical copy of her. Presumably, if someone else summoned Alice, her appearance would match their mental image of whatever stories they read.

Man, this week has been surreal.

Let's just finish the day real quick.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

Now, I could just turn around and head home.

But I do have a new skill to play with.
Music: Battle - First Chimeric Lunar Sea

Aphotic Cave is the priciest skill to date.

When going against Attack, Aphotic Cave is worse than a normal Guard, taking more damage and not firing off a counter after. While it can block a Break, that's still a waste of MP.
Aphotic Cave, as the description states, is meant to be used on enemy Skills. It blocks more damage than a regular Guard when used on a Skill, and also refunds 50 MP to boot! If you use it to block a Noble Phantasm, the refund shoots up to a massive 100!

On the damage side, Caster is quickly reaching a point where she can reliably deal 300 damage a hit. After a few more levels, I'll finally start increasing her Magic.

All that's left is to face Alice.

Music: School III

Next time: The Elimination Battle